Xiaolu Wang (b. 1991, Yinchuan) documents, curates, translates, maps interiority, mixes video, poetry, memory, and translations through a decolonial lens. They seek, feel, get lost, and fly kites. Suspended in between places and metaphorical landscapes, they search for a way of being that embodies vagueness and precision simultaneously.
Selected Press & Writings
The Political Risks of Listening featured on Docalogue about Truth or Consequences by Hannah Jayanti
掩耳到零 Cover Your Ears and Count to 0 - Unreasonable Unarchives on MNartist
where to from here (podcast by moonplay) - S2, E1: Xiaolu Wang
ep. 13 - Guest on MSG Radio by DJ Shrimp Chips
We Take Everything with Us - Walker Cinema
Virtual Self-Care Package by Mia - Xiaolu Wang
artists I admire interview series by Jes Reyes - Xiaolu Wang
walker art center - 2019: The Year According to Xiaolu Wang